Akshay's Grandmother Passes Away?

Akki`s grandmother passes away but show goes onAkshay Kumar does it all pays last respects to his naani on Saturday and even promotes latest film

Akshay Kumar's maternal grandmother passed away on Friday.

But the actor did not take the day off as expected but fulfilled his duties at the funeral and also delivered on work commitments made for upcoming film Tees Maar Khan the next day.

Farah confirms, "Akshay went with his naani's ashes to Nashik on Saturday early morning, then headed to the rehearsals for the Zee Awards at the Bandra-Kurla complex. He had to rehearse as he was performing a special sequence. "

That wasn't all. After that, the actor went on to complete the last day dubbing for TMK in Andheri. Farah adds, "After the dubbing, he went to his naani's prayer meet at a gurdwara in Andheri.

Akshay knew he had to be at the TMK beach event in Juhu at 5. 30, so donning a helmet he rode on his bike all the way as he didn't want to get caught in traffic and wanted to be present at the event on time.

What shocked me was that he came at all! He was very close to his naani who lived with them and I didn't expect him to come. "

FK was obviously surprised then, to receive a call from Akki's secretary on Saturday morning, telling her that Akshay would fulfill all his commitments. "Most stars come up with the weirdest excuses asking to postpone or cancel shoots. But he had a valid excuse to cancel, didn't. "

Says a source close to the actor, "He always adheres to his dad's words: 'No matter what happens to any of us, the show must always go on. '

That's what he has always done and what he will always do. Unable to keep his grief bottled up any more at his beloved naani's death, Akshay broke down at her prayer meeting on Saturday. "